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2022 NASS Superintendent’s Academy

Inspire, Collaborate, Empower!

June 13 & June 14, 2022 - REGISTER BY: JUNE 1, 2022

Harrah's Lake Tahoe, Stateline, NV

The purpose of the Superintendent's Academy is to provide future-focused educators with rich resources, thoughtful dialogue and differentiated support as they engage in making the shifts in schools that job markets demand.  Opportunities to network throughout sessions and dinner with sponsors will support the transformation of teaching and learning.  Ten (10) recertification hours will be available.

Featured Speakers:
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June 13 - Featured Speaker:
Dr. Anthony Muhammad
Title: Time for Change
Description: Four Essential Skills for Transformational School and District Leadership
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June 14 - Featured Speaker:
Darrin Peppard, Ed.D.
Title: Road to Awesome
Description: Educators will dig deep into their core beliefs, regardless of their role and level of experience, and be inspired to lead their classroom, school, or district down the Road to Awesome.
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